So it's that time of year...our Annual Christmas party with our friends!!!
We have hosted this party the last 3 years now and I absolutly love it!
We decided to have a "Pajama" themed party this year. I found these awesome footie pajamas that I got and bought a matching pair for Angie. I would have bought some for our guys but they didn't have any in their size:( You know Dave would have worn them...yeah right.
The party was a blast as usual! With corky gifts, yummy food, and just the funnest bunch of friends together for the holiday. Every year we do some kind of service and this year we all donated toys for kids in our friends school.
I am so greatful that we have these awesome friends! We are so lucky! Their hillarious, fun, and they all know how to cook great! lol
It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again next year!!!
It's a tradition to play the "Dice" game.
I wrap a gift card a million times with boxes and boxes, tape, and string so it's impossible to open. You have to roll doubles to get a chance to open the gift. You have to then put on the scarf, hat, and oven mitts before attempting to open the gift. You then get to try to open it until the next person rolls doubles. Mark was the lucky winner that night that ended up opening the gift card. This game is always a hit and always gets us screaming and laughing!!!
Of course you can't have a Christmas Party without playing the "White Elephant" game one of my favorites!!! I love this game because you don't have to spend a lot if any money for this fun game. You might not go home with the best gift but your are going to go home smiling. The gifts were different this year because everyone was POOR. It actually made it a lot more fun. A lot of home made gifts, gifts found in hidden closets and a lot of funny junk!
Eric and Stephanie brought the "Liveliest" gift...a Gerbal!!! Erin did not want it at all but Will warmed her up and they decided to keep it for their kiddies.
Dave sculpted this head in High School. It was supposed to be him. Mark a long time ago found it in his room and told Dave he was either going to throw it away or he could come get it. Dave went and got it and it has been staring at me in our office FOREVER so I decided to just wrap it without telling Dave. And guess who ended up with it again...MARK!!! Dave could not stop laughing but now guess who has it again in their office staring at us...Us!!! Mark again said he was going to throw it away so again Dave took it. Dang that stupid head :)
T-shirts were the popular gift this year! Home made t-shirts I have to say with friends pictures on them. There were 4 shirts made and these were 2 of them. They were the funniest white elephants this year!
Just what I wanted a "twilight" poster and a bag of candy. Yeah right, what the heck am I going to do with this poster lol!
The white elephant gifts
Angie and her boyfriend Mark!
Cassidy won best pajamas...aren't they awesome! Adult sized footie jammies. Angie and I had to buy little girl jammies. Who knew they made them for adults.
The Delicious Food
I had everyone make a pizza from home and bring something to share.
I told Angie to make a salad for 30...she made enough to feed 100. But the salad was a hit! Thanks Angie!
Me getting the food ready. Made "Pizza Factories" bread sticks. Though they weren't as good as I hoped :(
Alex and Tava made these yummy meat balls. Mmmm!