Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Allie MeeYun Nuttall

Allie MeeYun Nuttall 
born on Tuesday September 28th at 3:19am 
Weight 5lbs 8oz
Allie was a nick name my parents use to call me when I was younger and MeeYun is Angies Korean name which my parents gave her as her middle name. 

Allie's Story...
So I was ommited to the hospital on Friday September 24th at 11am.  I had to stay in the hospital for bed rest till I reached 34 weeks which was Monday, September 27th.  Monday at 8am they put me in labor and delivery and started my eyevee and started me on patosium to start the labor at 8:50am.  For some crazy reason from the begining of my pregnancy I have wanted to have this baby with no epidural.  Why you ask, I'm crazy.  With Dexton I had such an easy, pain free labor with no feelings of contractions what so ever, I kinda wanted to know what it felt like plus I was scared of maybe side effects from the epidural though I had none with Dexton.  So I have been talking to Dave about this a lot and he has been against it from the begining.  He does not handle pain well and did not want to see me in pain either.  Friday when we got ommited to the hospital a lady down the hall was delivering, obviously without an epidural and was screaming on the top of her lungs.  Dave was horrified and turned to me and said "Is this what you want?"  Honestly it terrified me too second guessing myself.  Sunday night Dave and i talked about it and came to an agreement that if I was in too much pain not to be stubborn and ask for an epidural, so I said deal.  
So Monday morning 9am I start feeling the contractions, not a big deal at all, very small ones and not to close together.  My dr. comes in to check how dialated I am and I'm at a 2.  Around 3pm the contractions get harder, i'm uncomftorable now but it's doeable.  My dr comes in to check and I'm at a 2 1/2.  It is going so slow!  Around 6pm I'm hurting pretty bad now but sticking it out determined not to have an epidural.  My dr comes in to check me which is more painful then the contactions it self, oh my heck I wanted to die and I'm at a 3, a 3!!!!  Kill me now!  They wanted to keep a better track on my contractions so they stick this long tube inside my uteris...OUCH!  I can do this I can do this I'm telling myself while I bite my lip and hold tight to the bed rails.  10pm comes around, I'm dying it hurts so bad. I'm now questioning myself can I do this???  My nurses are all telling me how well I'm doing, can't believe I'm not screaming from pain though I did want to.  Dr comes in to check me again I'm at a 3 plus.  OMG!!!  Could this go any slower!!!! 11:30pm I'm in so much pain I decide to go walk around the halls with Dave.  Every contraction I lean over to hold onto the rales about to pass out and tell Dave, I don't know if I can do this any longer.  I start thinking "When Allie comes do I have to push while having a contraction?"  There is no way I can hardly breathe plus on top of that I hadn't eaten anything for 24 hours and was so weak, how in the world am I going to do this.  MIDNIGHT my nurse comes to check how dialated I am, I look at Dave while she is doing it and say "If I am not at a 5 I'm getting an epidural!"  All I was thinking is how painful this was and did not want my dr. to check me again because that was ten times worse.  My nurse tells me "um it's about an 4"  I look at her and tell her I think I want an epidural." I ask her how much longer does she thinks it might be and she has no idea.  She looks at me and says "Don't think you have failed because you are getting an epidural. You have done awesome"  I didn't think I was failing, I just really really wanted to experience it without but I couldn't any longer.  I had no idea how much longer it was going to be.  I couldn't imagine another check from my dr and i couldn't even imagine pushing while having contractions.  I looked at Dave and looked at my Nurse and said "I want an epidural."  5 min later the anesthesiologist and the nurse was in my room to give my my epidural.  25 minutes later I was pain FREE!  I could breathe again, talk, laugh, and enjoy being in labor.  3AM my nurse comes to check on me and I"m dialated at a 7.  She tells me she will come back in an hour to check on me again.  Not even 5 minutes later I look at my mom and tell her I can feel the contractions on my left side and they are very painful.  I push on the epidural to give me more but I don't feel like it's working.  My mom said the same thing happened to her when she had my sister Jenny but when it happened to her it was time to have her so she told me to call my nurse to make sure.  So I call my nurse to come in she decides to check me again and says yup your ready! Within 5 minutes my dr is there setting up, there are 3 nurses to help me, 3 nurses to take the baby as soon as she is born, Dave calls his dad to come over immediately because he is our pediatrician, goes down stairs to get my sisters Angie and McKenzie (because they are sleeping in my room) as soon as Dave, Angie and McKenzie walk into the room my Dr. and nurses are ready for me to push!  Oh my gosh this is going way to fast now.  On the count of 3 they tell me I'm going to push...10 seconds later they say one more push...1,2, 3, she's here!!!  1 1/2 pushes!!!  We were all expecting this little premie baby and she was so big.  The nurses grab her immediatly, start to clean her up, check her lungs, give her shots, make sure she is doing ok.  They weigh her, and tell us she weighs 5lbs 8oz, holy cow.  My doctor tells me if I would have gone full term she probably would have weighed 9lbs, holy crap I have big babies!  Dexton weighed 8lbs 11oz and was born on his due date.  After they weigh her they tell me I can hold her long enough to take a picture with her.  So Dave and I take a picture with her and they immediately take her back and send her down to the NICU.  Oh my gosh this was so overwhelming.  So many people, I didn't even get to really see my baby and I was exhausted!  They have Dave go down with them and he watches the whole process of a 34 week baby.  5am I get wheeled down to my room but never got to see Allie again.  I was so exhausted I crashed as soon as I hit the pillow.  10am I wake up and anxiously want to see my baby girl.  She was beautiful! Ivies in her arms, tubes in her nose, cords all over the place I didn't think I was going to get to hold her but they let me for a few minutes.  She is so precious!  My father n'law tells me she is doing awesome!  Most babies at 34 weeks have a hard time sucking and Allie started sucking on her hand so they decided to give her a binky and she loved it.  Dexton always loved his binky from the day he was born so I love that Allie does too!  They say she is healthy, doing well and her lungs look pretty good.  For now they are just watching her to make sure she can eat and stay warm.  The longest she will have to be in there is 6 weeks but it looks like it might only be a week to 2 weeks which is amazing for a 34 week baby.  I feel so blessed right now, I have an amazing husband, and 2 precious healthy kids!  I am so blessed!!!!  I seriously think all the time how did I get so lucky to have such an amazing family.
While on bed rest in the hospital Dexton chilled with me watching movies.
Waiting for Allie to come.
Angie suprised me from California!  She told me she wasn't probably wasn't going to be able to come but all along her and Dave were planning her trip.
I had to keep standing up while in labor because my back was killing me laying in those uncomfortable beds.
The nurses taking care of Allie as soon as she was born.
5 lbs 8 oz 
What a big preemie!
Grandpa Nuttall taking care of Allie
The15 seconds we got to hold Allie
Dave watching them take care of Allie in the NICU
We wanted to make sure Dexton felt special on this exciting day so we promised him a "Big Brother" present.  He opened it up and kept saying "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh it's a dragon!"  He was so excited!  Dexton really doesn't get what's going on.  But I think he will do well.


Sheila Spotten said...

Love you Alisha! She is precious! I can't wait to meet my new little niece! Her story reminds me so much of the twins. I only saw them for 10 seconds (which I don't remember much) and they were whisked away to be worked on, and by the time I did see them, they were hooked up to so many machines...it all comes back. But...they are 2 very healthy boys now! I love you so much and am so proud of you and proud to call you my sister! Glad Angie surprised you (she told me she was going to). Give Dex a hug for me and tell Dave, "good job!" Love you!

Stephanie Kelly said...

Congrats... she is PERFECT in every way. Eric said she looks just like Brian hahah! (No she doesn't). We love you guys and can't wait to see her.

The Mitchell's said...

YAY!!! Congrats Alisha she is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a fun thing going on for you and your cute family right now!! I bet your little guy is going to be the best little helper! :)

Lyns said...

Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful. I'm so happy she's doing well! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with an epidural. The bottom line is getting your baby here healthy and that's what you did!!

Linzee said...

Congrats! I kind of feel the same with the epidural, it would be fun to try without, but when it comes down to it I figure why not take it when it is available. So excited for you!!