Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rock Climbing on the Ship

Yae just finished climbing and made it to the top!
Dave ringing the bell...he made it!
Getting ready to climb!
Getting my harness on
Dave climbing and realizing how tiring it is.
Almost there!
Dave climbed so hard that when he finished he fell and broke his leg off. What a trooper!

There was this awesome Rock Climbing wall on the ship and it was FREE!!! We were all over that. Man we had forgotten how hard it is to climb. But we both succeeded and climbed to the top twice. The ship had so many things we could do that was all included...ice skating, roller blading, basketball, miniature golfing, volleyball, and many many more activities. This is another reason why everyone should cruise!!! All inclusive!!!

1 comment:

ashjohnson25 said...

I love exploring new ships. Greg climbed the rock wall using his arms only (what a stud)lol. The worker at the bottom was yelling use your feet sir, use your feet sir. It was funny! We have been to the Carribbean 3 times and also agree it is time for something new. You guys looked like you had a blast. I love all the pictures. I also seen little Dexton in the nursery on Sunday he is a cutie.