Friday, February 20, 2009


I was TaGGeD by Kaydee!
1. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2. Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog.
3. List 10 honest things about yourself.

(1) I am addicted to work. I love it, not Chilis in particular, I just love working! I can't imagine not working, and not saying being a mother is not work because that is my #1 and hardest job, but I just love being with people and being BUSY!!! (sometimes too busy!)

(2) Going with that I hope to own my own cafe/cupcake shop! It's my dream to have my own little buisness. If you mention you read this when I do own my own little cafe your meal is on the house!!! :)

(3) I LOVE to RUN!!! It relieves my stress and just makes me feel good. I feel like a accomplish so much when I run. I hope to do 100 1/2 marathons by the time I'm 50!

(4) I am a different person because of my husband Dave. He has made me not so spazzy, crazy, and abnoxious. He has made me a better person, wife, and mother. I have NEVER been so happy in my life. He makes me feel so good about myself, for the first time in my life I actually like who I am and happy with my life. I never ever say "I hate my life" because I don't! I have the best life and best family and friends in the whole world!!!

(5) This is embarrassing but you all probably would have guessed it anyways...I think I have ADD. I have a really hard time concentrating and listening especially during church. If you know me you probably already thought I had ADD so I am just going admit that I do. I have a problem :)

(6) I am addicted to coupons. I can not even go grocery shopping without a coupon anymore. I love it. I save so much money doing it. Like yesterday I went to Albertsons, probably bought $90 worth of groceries and only spent $35. Thats crazy and it's all because of coupons and being smart about what you are shopping for. Yes Dave has the best wife ever cause I save us tons of money ha ha!

(7) On that note I hate spending money period. I have a hard time buying myself anything plus I hate going out to dinner cause I think it's a waist. I've gotten way better though. I used to get angry, not mad, but very angry at Dave if he spent $3 at Wendy's. Yes I was crazy, I have gotten better with money. Dave always says I am going to die a rich old women. I have really bad buyers remorse. I will go to target and put things in my basket that I want and at the end tell myself "Do you really need that" and put almost everything back. It's actually become a hobby of mine, jk. But I have gotten better with spending money.

(8) I cut and dye my own hair. (Thats the money thing again) Though the last couple of times I did pay to get it cut because the 2 times before that it was a mess. I looked so stupid because I cut my own hair, hopefully that was a lesson to me, but I will probably always dye my own hair.

(9) I have holes in my arm pits. I'm not going into details but no I did not put them in I was born with them, Angie actually has them too now. I know it's wierd. I actually got an award for it when I was in cheer in high school. Yes I can put earings in my arm pits. Please don't stop being my friend now. :)

(10) I wish I could have taken more dance when I was younger because I watch MTV's Randy Jackson Americans Next Best Dance Crew and most of those dancers are asian so I really think I could have been a fantastic dancer and be rich cause of it. Just Kidding...kinda

MY 7 WINNERS ARE...Stephanie T., Linzee Gadd, Alecia , Dannielle, Kara Ingram, Tava, &...Emily Sharpe!

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