Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009!

Cowboy Dexton
Nieces, Nephews, and Friends! Don't you love the transformers costume! My Brother n'laws sister made it for their little boy Parker. I love it.
I hid Dextons candy so he got his cousin Kyle to give him some of his. That Dexton, such a little piggy :)
So this house in Pleasant Grove always does this train ride haunted house around all these houses. It's really cool, they all must be related because the train track is built into their yards. It's always so much Fun and Dexton loves it.
While waiting to get on the train they play the Night Before Christmas in a waiting area. Dexton loves movies.
The Train, isn't awesome!
Heading towards one of the many tunnels.
Best Buddies. I love this picture!
Our little Cowboy!

Dexton and his friend Andy
Dexton and his Grandma Nuttall

"Oh Edward, how we adore you!"
FYI I am not a twighlight freak, but I do love the movie ha! ha!

So this was Dextons 3rd year trick or treating and he loved it more then ever. Though this year he understood he actually got candy in his bag so the entire time he was eating and eating all of his candy. He had more candy that night then he has his entire little life. It was so much fun! Dave had to fly that day but he had a 4 hour lay over in SLC so he drove down real quick so he could go with Dexton. It was fun but we both were exausted from our run that morning so Dexton didn't go as much as I would have liked but we could hardly walk. We learned our lesson no runs on important days :) Thanks for our good friend Brittany she loaned out Dextons cowboy costume. We got so many compliments on it. It was so cute on him and he loved it, though we did have to bribe him with candy to put and keep it on lol :)

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Steve and Jenny Hunter said...
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