Saturday, September 25, 2010

What do you mean I can't leave???

Crazy day yesterday (Friday) so like I said in the earlier post, my water broke yada yada yada.  Thursday morning they gave me a steroid for the baby and told me to come the next morning to have the other steroid.  Friday morning they called me and told me they were going to give me the shot plus have me take a stress test for the baby.  Dave drops me off they give me the stress test, baby looks great so the dr. on call says I can go home.  The nurse informs me that they have ran out of the steroids so I just need to go to the American Fork Hospital to get the other steroid shot.  No biggy.  Dave picks me up, I run in, tell him I should only be a few min...I walk into the labor and delivery telling them who I am and the nurse says "Oh they must have not gotten a hold of you"  I was confused telling her I'm just here to get a steroid shot.  She says "Are you the one that your water has ruptured?"  I told her yeah but that was Wed night.  Totally thought she was confusing me with someone else.  She says to me "I'm sorry but hospital policy if you are in the hospital with your water broke we can not let you leave."  What, I can't leave, I'm thinking.  I told her my dr (which is the head dr over American Fork Hospital) told me I can just go on strict bed rest, the dr on call said it was fine and my father n'law which is a pediatrician, which works there too said it was fine.  There were probably 5 nurses all standing there, turned around in shock and said "they are letting you go home with your water broke!"  Man, did I feel so stupid.  They said "I'm sorry we can't let you leave.  We need to get you in an ambulance and take you to Utah valley hospital because you are not 34 weeks yet."  Alright now I start to panic!  I call Dave and tell him he better come in, they are not letting me leave.  He comes up with Dexton and they put me in a room while they sort things out.  Dave is PISSED!!!  He can't believe they won't let me go, he says "are we in a prison!"  The nurse comes into our room, Dave asks her what they mean that they can't let us go.  She said "well we can but if you do leave you have to sign papers that say if anything happens the hospital is not reliable therefore your insurance can DENY any payment!"  Oh my gosh are you kidding me.  Dave calls my Dr and tells him whats going on.  My dr. can't belive this, calls the hospital up and tells them it's ridiculous that they are going to make me go to Utah Valley when I'm 34 weeks on Monday and because of legality he can't let me go home either.  He convinces them to let me stay at American Fork, thank goodness!  The biggest reason I did not want to go to Utah valley is because my Dr. does not deliver there.
So now it's Saturday morning.  I have only slept 2 hours but I do feel good.  Not sure why I can't sleep, but after all that I'm glad that I'm here and they can make sure the baby is doing well.  So far she is doing great!  They are most likely going to induce me on Monday and hopefully I will have her then.  I'm so excited for her to come but I am so nervous!  Besides having the nursery mostly done I have NOTHING ready.  No clothes, blankets, bottles, diapers, thank goodness for family!!!
Just want to tell everyone thank you for your love and support!!!  I have heard so many stories with babies coming early from a lot of you with all GREAT turn outs!  Gives me hope!  I love you all and thanks again for just being there!  Alisha, Dave, Dexton, and baby :)


Sheila Spotten said...

I know you weren't happy with the nurses there, but as a nurse, just know that they were doing their job (and try not to take it personal). To be honest, I was panicking here that your Dr would allow you to be home with your water broke in the first place. You need to be monitored 24/7...for your baby's life, and for your life. I love you sis! You are the best! Praying for you every day! Can't wait to meet my new niece! Big ((((HUGS))))

Molly said...

Good Luck!