Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My pregnancy

It's so weird to me how different my pregnancies have been.  With Dexton I was sick almost the whole entire time.  I got so freaking FAT, yuck which was my fault by the way.  "Oh I'm pregnant I'll eat whatever I want, even if I'm not hungry." Idiot :)  I was so depressed during my pregnancy.  I hated working, my feet hurt all the time, I swelled up like a balloon, my feet couldn't even fit into any of my shoes.  I got this strange line down my stomic. 
This pregnancy has been so easy.  I have energy, I'm able to work without wanting to die, I am so happy, I actually really love being pregnant!  I have had some scares with this one where with Dexton it was hard on me but nothing scary ever happened to me.  With this one I had the miscarriage with the twins and just the other night I woke up bleeding.  Dave was not home, he was flying but luckily he had his phone on and I got a hold of him at 2am.  I panicked.  I didn't know what to do, who to call to watch Dexton, what was happening.  Thank goodness my brother n'law works at Home Depot and doesn't usually get home till late so Dave called him and he had just gotten home.  My brother n'law lives with his sister and her family and when he went to leave there was a guy breaking into his sisters car.  He called the police and rushed over to my house.  What a brother n'law! If that was me I don't think I would have gone anywhere.  But I rushed over to the hospital and they checked the baby and she was doing great!  Hew.  They didn't have any clue why I was bleeding so much but told me the baby was fine and to go home.  I never saw a dr. once.  Dave was so mad!  He thought they should have atleast taken an ultra sound and I should have seen a dr.  So that day I called my dr. and he told me to come in, I needed to be looked at.  They did an ultrasound and saw that the placenta was bleeding but everything was ok.  He said the bleeding should stop in the next few days which it has.  I am so happy that the baby is good.  I feel her kicking like crazy, I love it.  I am so excited for her to come but not quite ready.  With Dexton I could not wait to get him out but with her I just want a little bit more time with Dexton.  I am so worried about him feeling ignored.  I really want him to feel special when she comes.  I want to do something big for him when he comes to the hospital but not sure what so if you have any ideas please share them with me.  Sorry for the long boring post, just in the mood to write today :)

1 comment:

Lyns said...

I'm so glad everything is okay! I gained more weight with Ava than I did with Kai. I was smarter with Kai, whereas with Ava I was like, "I'm pregnant. I can eat whatever I want." :) When we had Kai we made a little gift bag for Ava with dollar store toys. A doll, coloring book, crayon, little books, etc. She loved it and it made her feel special. So excited for you!