Thursday, January 6, 2011

Santa will be back soon...

 My friend had told me that the Santa Clause at the South Town Mall was so cute we had to take Dexton.  We got told he went on break at 4:30pm and we got in line at 4pm.  Well they came and told us that Santa would be leaving in 10 minutes so we decided to just come back, our luck the guy didn't know what he was talking about and meant 30 minutes so we had to get back in line and wait for Santa for an hour and a half.  We didn't want to pay $30 for a picture so Dave hurried and snapped this blurry one of Dexton.  The "elf" saw him so stood in front of Santa so he couldn't get another picture :(  While we waited we got him an ice cream cone, he played on some toys and played at the dinosaur play ground there at the mall.  It's so funny though Dexton is not a shy kid but when he got to Santa he wouldn't hardly speak.  Santa could hardly hear him.  But Santa always knows what you want :)

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