Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dexasaurus turns 3!!!

We got Dexton this scooter for his birthday. Not sure if he will ride it but he seemed excited. Hasn't played with it once yet, he's been too busy with his other birthday gifts.
I placed it in the front room with balloons so when he came out he would find it. Dave said "it's not Christmas" but I love peeking through the door and watching him. It's so cute!

Some of the boys that were at Dextons party.
Got these cute dinosaur hats from the Dollar store. Loved them!!!
"Dinosaur Egg Hunt"
Got some plastic eggs and put these small caplets into each egg for the boys to find.

After they found the eggs they cracked them open and placed the caplets into warm water.
These are what the caplets look like and in a few minutes they grow into...
Ok small, tiny spongy dinosaurs. The kids were amused for a minute :)
My little sis helping Dexton with his dinosaurs.

"Duck, duck, DINOSAUR!"
Ok, I kinda just made this up. I didn't know what you should say before Dinosaur. It worked.

"Dinosaur Hunt"
I buried toy dinosaurs all over the play ground for the boys to dig and find.

Happy Birthday Dear Dexton Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

Dexton was so excited to blow out the candle. He was talking about it for days!
Present Time!

The food Display
"Dino Dogs"
Pretty explanatory :)
"Dinosaur Melon Head"
Cut this watermelon into a dinosaur head and stuffed it with pieced of watermelon. Really easy! The eyes are made out of fondant and food coloring and everything else is part of the water melon touched with food coloring. This was a hit.
"Swamp Jello"
Made lime jello into individual cups. While setting up placed some rock candy into the bottom. They started to dissolve and made them look moldy/swampy plus some of them the rocks did not dissolve so it looked like there were rocks in the bottom. When the jello was almost set up I then place gummy dinosaurs which I found at Macey's into the almost set up jello. The day of topped them with whip cream and placed another gummy dinosaur on top. The kids loved these!

"Dino Eggs"
I made these hard boiled eggs, let them cool then cracked them all over and soaked them in koolaid over night. They turned out exactly how I pictured them :)

Dextons Birthday Cupcake cake tower I made him.
His wording exactly "Oh my gosh, I love it!"
Made me so happy!
Made the cake with fondant and frosting. Placed toy dinosaurs and decorations on top. Making grass and a river out of frosting. Decorated the cupcakes with the toy dinosaurs and chocolate dinosaur eggs. Decorated my cupcake stand which I use for Cravings with dinosaur themed paper I purchased at Roberts. I was so happy with the results. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the dinosaur cookies I made behind the cupcakes. If you look real close you can see them.

Dexton's invitations!

The invitation said:
Breaking News!
Dinosaurs discovered in Pleasant Grove!
Come and join in on the new discovery
@ the Cambria Cave on Saturday June 5th
at 11am to Noon.
RSVP to the prehistoric parents regrets only
And I just put this little note on the back of the invite.

Some things I forgot to take pictures of. I hate when I do that!!!
  1. Made Lava Juice (Red punch)
  2. Tyrannosaurus Dip with Fossil Fries
    (Dip with Chips)
  3. Dinosaur Rocks (Rock Candy)
  4. These cute cute signs I made, one saying "Happy Bday Dex" and the other one saying "DEXASAURUS"
  5. The "Goodie Bags" Which I put each of the boys name on the bag with saurus on the end so Parkers bag had "Parkersaurus" on it. Put cute little dinosaur foot prints on the bag. Then in the good bag I put in a dinosaur puzzle, paint book, dinosaur egg with a toy, and dinosaur eggs. I wish I would have remembered to take a picture :( They were cute.
Though I loved planning this party, Dexton absolutly loved it, it was so much work. Dave says next year we are just going somewhere like Chucky Cheeses. I don't know we'll see :) But poor Dave and my two sisters Angie and McKenzie, they were my slaves that day. They helped me so much. Thanks you guys and thanks for everyone that came to celebrate Dextons 3rd birthday!!!


Linzee said...

Wow! You are the best Mom ever! Cute birthday party!

Cherie said...

Holy cow! How fun! And I can't believe that he's 3! Good job mom!